Water Right Form and Survey Submittal Portal

This site is for electronic filing of Water Right Forms and Surveys (including Information Orders).

The State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board), Division of Water Rights created this website to provide stakeholders with the ability to electronically file certain water right forms and surveys, and to centralize the location used to collect a variety of information about water rights and water use in California required under Information Orders. In order to access forms and surveys, you must have a user name and password.

If you are an existing user of the Division’s Report Management System (RMS) and have a User ID and Password, you may use your RMS User ID and Password to log in. If you own, or file, reports for more than one water right and do not have an RMS account, it is highly recommended that you create one to link your water rights. You may create an RMS account here.

If you do not want to create an RMS account, you may log in as a “Single User” using your Water Right Number and Reporting Identifier. On your first log-in with each Water Right Number as a Single User, you will be asked for an email address to register the water right in to the system.

This website in NOT the RMS or the electronic Water Rights Information Management System (eWRIMS) and should NOT be used to submit standard reports, including Annual Reports of Permittee, Reports of Licensee, Reports of Stockpond, and Reports of Registration or Groundwater Extraction Records. If you need to submit an Initial Statement of Water Diversion and Use, please see this webpage for more information.

All Annual Water Use Reports must be submitted directly in our Report Management System (RMS). CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR ANNUAL WATER USE REPORT. For additional assistance with your report you may contact the Division by email at DWR-Reporting@waterboards.ca.gov or by phone at (916) 341-5342.
To go directly to the Report Management System (RMS) click here.

To go directly to the electronic Water Rights Information Management System, click here.

SWRCB employees can apply for an account here